Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What Site Are You?

I can still be found in the Etsy chatroom till Friday's scheduled "cut off".  As I was reading all the chat discussions, it ocurred to me many don't know where everyone else is going! One can only see and try to catch "blips" of this group and that group.  I'd like to invite this blog as a place for you if you are a past Etsian and chatting elsewhere or found an additional source for chat orrrr if you've moved on where can you or your shop be found?? 

Some are going to facebook to chat and others are rearranging their new homes on Zibbet, and there is another type of thing going around that has a billboard type of look from what I could see.

Share the wealth with your fellow ex's!  Post where you are going (do this even if you want to get rid of some of us...you never know where a good contact or a good sale can come from). 

I hope to see you all posting! I am researching venues myself and will post them periodically.  Please keep in mind I can write alot for awhile and then I go "poof" for a bit. Thanks for the follow!


This pendant sold 2/2011 as a custom piece for a private buyer

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